Friday 1 May 2009



Different thrillers genres are shown through many different aspects, thriller bases its self on other overlapping sub genres such as psychological, action, crime, conspiracy, horror, and the supernatural. Characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, whilst intertwining extensive use of cliff-hangers, red herrings and suspense as well as horror and mystery conventions. The idea of the thriller genre is to make the audiences feel uneasy within their viewing through these elements; thrillers are seen as unsettling due to their originality within the genre, an individual thriller can differentiate greatly to another thriller due to multiple genres and unusual plots, plot structures don’t usually resemble a typical film structure further contributing to the suspense factor due to abnormalities within the film. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and convention of real media products? Our production is the opening sequence of a thriller film. At the beginning of the film you see a blond girl running through the woods. We used a blond girl as this shows how stereotypically vulnerable a girl can become. Films such as Scream and Psycho use this to portray this kind of character, because generally men are seen as stronger than women, the audience is put on the edge of their seats as the idea of a woman alone in the woods near a psychotic man, is extremely fearful, which is a typical convention of thriller as this is the way gender roles are usually displayed. Furthermore panning shots are used to create an effect of following as her expression gives away that she is frightened, scared and looking for something or someone. When the silhouette of the male is seen, the facial features are not seen clearly which a common fear is known as the fear of the unknown; a point of view shot then shows her running toward an opening in the woods where there lies a pond. An establishing shot shows her surroundings and it really adds to the eerie effect of being in the woods as the blonde girl is all alone, and the audience knows that there is no chance of anyone being able to help her. Most thrillers and horrors use shots at night time, for the central scene however our production challenges this convention as it is filmed during the day. The shot then focuses and zooms in on a figure across the other side of the pond.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

our media production is meant to represent an innocent but intelligent girl who is portrayed as vulnerable individual as she is seen in a woods, alone and as the camera would suggest, being followed. She is presented as weak which is a negative portrayal of women.

What kind of media institution might distribute you product and why?

Because of our lack of funds and low budget our film will be distributed by an independent film company and will only be shown to regional audiences as we plan to attract young target audience, between 16-25 years of age. A professor of psychology called Susan Burggraff once looked into why people watch horror/thriller films.

The ‘relief’ theory relates to horror films in two ways, the arousal theory and the social theory.

The arousal theory is that in the atmosphere/circumstances created by a horror film there is a sensation of excitement which would cause the person to enjoy the horror in the film or overall the horror film. An example of this theory would be that horror films tend to appeal to the teenage/adolescent age group, this age group would be the most common in seeking this sensation. Therefore we have decided to make our target audience brit-teens as they are the most common cinema goers which is seen in Burggraff’s study. Our advertising scheme can loosely be compared to that of Cloverfield as they had a modest budget on their advertisement. This included a website where a few very vague clips of the film where and a Blog to post stuff onto. Using the idea of a website to advertise our film could be really good for publicity as the forum of Cloverfield proved to be very popular as they gave a EMBED code which is where you could share the video with your friends. This idea was clever as who ever shared the most videos would receive free tickets to the movie debut.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the production of our film, filming took a lot longer and their where many other stages that I hadn’t even anticipated would ever have to be done. This included a location recce. This was hard to do as we were filming on a public walk way therefore we had no control over who walked down it. We would constantly be interrupted by people waling in and out of our shots. To overcome this I asked a few people if they wouldn’t mind waiting while we took the shots and I found that generally people where happy to wait. The story board, script, risk assessment, costume & props list and shot list where not as hard to do but were more tedious and time consuming as these could done without interacting with other people.

During the course of this project, I learned a lot of new editing skills such as logging, adding music, and adding the scenes/clips together. It took me some time to get used to such programs but by spending the time doing it, I now feel that I understand how to log and capture and do a lot of the things needed to make a short film. The editing took some time but it is worth it when you watch the finished product. Editing a thriller that was all shot in broad daylight had its problems but changing the saturation and the colour filters we made it look pretty good. Cross fading and fading the sounds at the right time was crucial as we needed to be able to hear every breath of the victim while hearing the noise from running and the noise form the Killer. When watching thrillers I noticed that the cast names usually come up when the character is being shown in action, this was another code of thrillers as it introduces the characters as they are usually very much made up with masks, props and make-up etc and it can make it very hard to see exactly who they are.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at the preliminary task, I can see how various things have been changed, mostly for the improvement of the film itself. The only thing I wish we could have done was to either film at nigh but early in the morning when it is all foggy. To find the location we had to do some research as we needed a pond and woods but it was hard to get to places further then kings Langley. In conclusion, the finished production was pretty much how we had planned although a few alterations had to be made as we had forgotten certain props which would have added to the effect if we had used them. But overall i believe that our production went well and we accomplished what we had se out to do, it fitted the task well.

Thursday 30 April 2009

why do people watch films essay

Why do people watch films?

All different kinds of people of all ages, and genders watch films for different reasons. They also watch different genres of films. Girls may watch a film because of a certain or situation emotion within it that they feel they can relate to. Boys on the other hand watch films for the fast paced action, the adrenaline and the girls. But again, this is just the typical thing for girls and boys to do. There are always going to be exceptions and differences. Some girls enjoy an action or horror film as much as a guy may enjoy a romantic comedy. Another reason a person may watch a film is to relax. Many say that watching a film with someone or even on their own is a good way to relax because they can loose themselves in the storyline of the film. The actors and actresses within a film play a big part in who watches a film. If a certain actor/actress is in a film some people say that they would watch it just for them. Boys and girls alike have said that if the lead character is attractive their want to watch the film is greatly increased.

There are many different theories explaining why certain people watch certain films. A professor of psychology called Susan Burggraff once looked into why people watch horror/thriller films.

The ‘relief’ theory relates to horror films in two ways, the arousal theory and the social theory. The arousal theory is that in the atmosphere/circumstances created by a horror film there is a sensation of excitement which would cause the person to enjoy the horror in the film or overall the horror film. An example of this theory would be that horror films tend to appeal to the teenage/adolescent age group, this age group would be the most common in seeking this sensation. The social theory is that horror films allow stereotypical traits of genders to show, for example men are ‘brave’ and women are ‘emotional’ therefore ‘The snuggle theory’ also relates to this aspect of horror movie enjoyment.

The snuggle theory effect is supposedly the favourite choice for couples going out on dates (mainly males). This was because of the fact that the male would like the female to “snuggle” up to them and it created a kind of bond. For the male this could have been seen as a sexual act but research shows the females were doing so purely because of the fact that they were scared.

To conclude, I believe that the main reason for watching a film varies between who is watching it. The females tend to go towards the emotional side of a film, like the notebook, while men tend to go for the action films such as James Bond and Die Hard. Comedy seems to be a favourite for both the sexes in the same way as horror is really as both male and female like to watch but with the opposite sex (snuggle theory). I also think that while Susan Burggraff’s theories are correct in some areas, others are widely debatable.

Monday 27 April 2009

Target Audiences

Target Audiences:
A target audience could be a range of ages, martial statuses and genders. Even though a product could be aimed at an audience of 30 year old men, there may still be people outside of this category who may be interested. Without a target audience, a company’s advertising could become difficult and expensive because the type of things included in the advertising would have to change for the different audiences.

Definition: A specified audience or demographic group for which an advertising message is designed.There are psychographic needs to a target audience as well. This means that the attitude of the audience needs to be taken into account.

Wednesday 28 January 2009




Emma Royds is very sophisticated and strong willed for her age of 19. Although she is sophisticated, she has had a large fear of clowns for just under a year. She is blonde with pretty, yet timid features. To an extent she is happy with her life, she has a loving boyfriend and a group of close friends; however, as the ‘dreams’ occur more frequently, these relationships start to see the strain.

Billy Rubin is Emma Royds attractive, yet sentimental boyfriend. He is a smart, creative artist, specializing in photography. A key component in Billy’s personality is his down to earth, strong non believing mannerisms of anything really ‘outside of the box’.

Annette Curtain is the ‘book worm’ best friend of both Billy and Emma. Emma and Annette’s friendship has been since early childhood; staying close friends due to her trustworthy, and easy to talk to character. Along with being Emma’s boyfriend, Billy gets on with Annette due them both having a strong dislike for anything out of the ordinary.

Ferris is the typical ginger clown, except for the fanged teeth, a large hooded cloak, and the violent intent to kill. Unknown to Emma, he is the figure reoccurring in her dreams, and also the man who murdered her mother. Same time, same place, he is back with a vengeance.


Woods: A misty set woods, a natural setting with nothing extraordinary except for a china doll, lying on a footpath. The woods should be reasonably dark, giving an eerie feel, where trees are almost shown as silhouettes.

Bedroom: Returning to the bedroom after the opening sequence in the woods, this would be a contrasting, safe ‘haven’. This will show Emma’s personality just through setting, with its pink walls, and stereotypical feminine items, such as make up, perfume and teddy bears. This room will need a window, to have a source of lighting showing some security from the outside.


Behind Closed Eyes
Emma Royds has had a reoccurring nightmare for many months, waking up at the same point every time. Her mother’s death occurred almost a year previously, due to a tragic accident where the body was never found. The date of her mother’s death nearing, and the nightmares strengthening, Emma pushes it to the back of her mind and carries on with her normal life which includes the majority of her time being spent with her closest friends, although subtle images and frights were beginning to occur in her conscious state. Finally, one night where Emma’s dream was so vivid, (with a small, child-like figure at the other side of a pond), she awoke, wanting to find a resolve to the reoccurring reverie: which started with losing her closest friends to the abnormality of what she was planning, leaving her at a point of no return. With days looming towards the date of her mother’s death, Emma gets closer to her goal: and when the day is reached, Emma is met with her fate. Running through the woods she keeps having flashes in her memory, little does she know that she is reliving, tracing her mother’s steps. Emma reaches the point she recognises in her dreams, at the end of the pond was a cloaked figure, she ran towards it, curiosity leading her towards finding out the truth. Touch the shoulder, Emma finds out the reality, why she was so terrified of clowns. Exactly a year later than her mother, Emma is killed by the same clown like murderer, Ferris. The dreams and flash backs she was having were not her own, but were passed from her mother.

Detailed explanation of the opening sequence:

Opens with a misty morning in a secluded wood side: Emma is running through these woods, looking for the cloaked figure in her dreams. Little does she know that a hooded figure is watching her. As she reaches her destination, the cloaked figure is at the opposite side of a pond, its reflection rippling in the water. She walks round cautiously towards the figure, when reaching touching its shoulder. Turning round her worst fear was there, a clown, baring its rotting teeth. It all fades to black. An alarm goes off, the scene rises from the black, into a pink, feminine bedroom, where Emma is arousing from her slumber.

Sunday 25 January 2009

opening sequences

The Purpose Of An Opening Sequence: To establish the visual style & mood of the film and to introduce the audience to:Characters - Main and minor.

-Introduces characters

-Sets the tone

-Sets the time

-Shows the settings


In the opening sequence to a thriller, the director wants to set up the expectations of the audience what ever the genre. In silence of the lambs the camera is constantly jumping back to Anthony Hopkins, which shows that he is the main character. They also cleverly add creepy, slow paced music, usually violins and pianos which add an eerie effect to the situation as well as creating suspense. In all good thrillers the use shadows throughout the film to show the “dark side” of the hero/villain. The camera shots are also vital as without good shots you will lose all signs of suspense and the mood that you are trying to create. Medium close ups and over the shoulder shots are very frequently used to create the feeling that something is going to happen although you wont no when. Quite often the setting says how the story is going to unfold, and from personal experience I could say that most film that start off in a well built up area, lots of people around the place, will turn into a two man chase in the middle of nowhere, and vice versa.


The Panic Room. Deep music Credits written in appropriate font to the style and setting of the film - Looks like the writting belongs on the buildings -

Transparent writting. Vertigo. Lengthy title sequence. Swirling - Disorientating, shows disorder of the mind. Dark music - Builds up. Very different from modern thrillers because of the lengthy title sequence. Modern films seem to get into the film faster.

Resevoir Dogs. Voiceover. Non-diagetic, upbeat Music. Almost slow motion. Exposition. Shows the Auter of the director.

Manhatten. Establishing shots. Voice over. Non - Diagetic. Documentary style shots. Quick Cuts. Train Spotting. Montage. Voice over Introduction to the characters - Shown as stills while name comes up. Get a general idea of the type of setting that will be used.

Vertigo. Lengthy title sequence. Swirling - Disorientating, shows disorder of the mind. Dark music - Builds up. Very different from modern thrillers because of the lengthy title sequence. Modern films seem to get into the film faster.

Monday 19 January 2009

Thrillers - research into genre

Thriller genre -
- Characteristics Thrillers often take place wholly or partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, Polar Regions, or high seas. The heroes in most thrillers are frequently "hard men" accustomed to danger: law enforcement officers, spies, soldiers, seamen or aviators. Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories, but are distinguished by the structure of their plots. In a thriller, the hero must thwart the plans of an enemy, rather than uncover a crime that has already happened. Jeopardy and violent confrontations are standard plot elements. While a mystery climaxes when the mystery is solved, a thriller climaxes when the hero finally defeats the villain, saving his own life and often the lives of others. Codes and conventions Quick cuts Camera angle changes Music that creates tension Dark lighting, use of shadow Mirrors, stairs and corridors Thriller Films Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock Hannibal - Ridley Scott Jaws - Steven Spielberg The ring - Gore Verbinski The Boston Strangler - Richard Fleischer The strangers – Bryan Bertino

Codes and Conventions -
Quick cuts- Camera angle changes- Music that gives tension- Dark lighting; use of shadow- Mirrors, stairs and corridors

Sound -
- Thrillers often use a catchy yet creepy, catchy gory theme tune throughout the film.

Camera -
- The camera within thriller films often take on human qualities, handy cams are often used to create a sense that the viewer is there with the characters, it enables the camera crew to interact with the characters without being in the way. Tracking is often used to create a sense of being followed. Panning and tracking used together can also be used to create a sense of disarrangement or mental disturbance. High angle shots are often used for victims to display a sense of vulnerability. They can also be used to show that there is going to be action within the scene. These two purposes can tie together to show the victim in the moment that they become the victim. Low angle shots are most commonly used for the aggressor/villain. They make the character look powerful and/or intimidating. Both high angle and low angle shots were used within Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho”.

Editing -
- Quick cuts are used to create a greater sense of action and suspense. While longer, panning shots are used to show a build up. Fading can be used to enhance the storyline and merge two pictures together. For example; within Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” in the end scene “Bates’” face is merged with the image of a skeletal skull.
Narrative The narrative is a good way of keeping the audience informed of what is happening, making them follow the role of a character as you follow them through their journey.

Narrative -
A good way of keeping the audience following the film is to use a narrative that shows the story from one of the character’s points of view. By following one individual character, the storyline is consistent and the audience is also able to relate to the character, meaning that it is easier to build up the tension within the film because the viewer is able to relate to the character with greater ease. Characters:Main characters within a thriller are usually kept to a minimum. They usually consist of the villain, the victim and the victim’s friends/family. There is usually a ‘hero’ within the thriller to counter balance the villain. The hero is almost always at the forefront of the film and almost always on camera. They are represented by the typical “hard man” while the villain, even if they appear strong end up having great weaknesses. When it comes to characters there are also stereotypes. The main kind of character types that are included in a thriller film are convicts, criminals, stalkers, the psychologically disturbed and assassins. Victims often include babysitters, women, people on the run or normal everyday people.

Thriller Films -
Psycho – Alfred Hitchcock
The Godfather – Francis Ford Coppola
Silence of the Lambs – Jonathan Demme
Se7en – David Fincher
The Shining – Stanley Kubrick
No Country for Old Men – Ethan and Joel Coen
Jaws – Stephen Spielberg
Basic Instinct – Paul Verhoeven

Films Ive Watched -
Creep - bouncy, live, part opening music. Camera shots - Tracking - makes it look like someone is following her. Setting - london underground. Music - strings - typical code and convention. Camera follows her - main character. Contrast between city and under city - the lower parts of town. Young girl in a man's world. Shot reverse shot to gauge someone's reaction. underground - "eery" setting. Vulnerable - young woman bu herself, locked in. Warning of Creep. Stairs and corridors are a typical code and convention. Lighting with the background music build tension.

Monday 22 September 2008

Preliminary task

Story Board:

Firstly, framing was used to get the characters in the correct position, as they would be in the film. Also the line of third was used to make sure the characters looked symmetrical. Depending on what was going on in the shot all different shot sizes had to be used.

Finally the technical detail beside the frames showed all sorts of information.

I found this task pretty easy and it went without any problems.

We had to scan the story board to get it onto the blog. This was becoming a common thing that we needed to do. In the end though.I encountered some difficulty putting the pictures on the blog. This is shown be the size and quality of the pictures.


This script was produced in order to help the actors (Danah and Sam) to know the words and the lines off by heart. The script is about a holiday that Danah has just had. In filming this script we had to make sure that although they were being filmed, they had to make it look as real as possible. We also had to make sure that we did not exceed the two minute time limit.
When trying to get the script straight onto the blog from the computer program, we were faced with a problem. This was that the blogger could not read the file. I then discovered that scanning it in changed the format allowing me to put it on the page.
This script related to the shot list as the conversation had to correspond to the scene and shot numbers; this is important so it runs smoothly. It also related to the storyboard, as the technical description also had to correspond to what was going to be acted and said from the script.


LOCATION RECCE chris and myself toock the photoes for the location recce. This was done in PS2. we found that the light in the room mixed with the light from the flash of the camera made the pictures look way to bright. I then discovered that by covering up the flash and shutting the blinds the pictures came out ok with just the artifisial lights.


This task was done by the two of us going into the room where we would be doing filming, and looking for risks that could cause harm or disturbance. This piece of work was needed as things that could cause injury needed to be removed. There were only a few things that we could find that would need to be dealt with. We wrote these down and then came back and copied them onto the computer. This did not take long and we soon had it finished. Also I had to use the same scanning method to get it onto the post. This piece of work was done with accuracy and was done quickly.