Monday, 22 September 2008

Preliminary task

Story Board:

Firstly, framing was used to get the characters in the correct position, as they would be in the film. Also the line of third was used to make sure the characters looked symmetrical. Depending on what was going on in the shot all different shot sizes had to be used.

Finally the technical detail beside the frames showed all sorts of information.

I found this task pretty easy and it went without any problems.

We had to scan the story board to get it onto the blog. This was becoming a common thing that we needed to do. In the end though.I encountered some difficulty putting the pictures on the blog. This is shown be the size and quality of the pictures.


This script was produced in order to help the actors (Danah and Sam) to know the words and the lines off by heart. The script is about a holiday that Danah has just had. In filming this script we had to make sure that although they were being filmed, they had to make it look as real as possible. We also had to make sure that we did not exceed the two minute time limit.
When trying to get the script straight onto the blog from the computer program, we were faced with a problem. This was that the blogger could not read the file. I then discovered that scanning it in changed the format allowing me to put it on the page.
This script related to the shot list as the conversation had to correspond to the scene and shot numbers; this is important so it runs smoothly. It also related to the storyboard, as the technical description also had to correspond to what was going to be acted and said from the script.


LOCATION RECCE chris and myself toock the photoes for the location recce. This was done in PS2. we found that the light in the room mixed with the light from the flash of the camera made the pictures look way to bright. I then discovered that by covering up the flash and shutting the blinds the pictures came out ok with just the artifisial lights.


This task was done by the two of us going into the room where we would be doing filming, and looking for risks that could cause harm or disturbance. This piece of work was needed as things that could cause injury needed to be removed. There were only a few things that we could find that would need to be dealt with. We wrote these down and then came back and copied them onto the computer. This did not take long and we soon had it finished. Also I had to use the same scanning method to get it onto the post. This piece of work was done with accuracy and was done quickly.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

As i have not done media before, everything is new to me therefore it's as if im starting from scratch. In my lesson today i have learned different shots, panning, tilting, jibbing and tracking.

drwing a proper person as aposed to a stick man was also learnt as well as how to do a story board.

i also learnt shot sizes like ( ECU, CU, MCU, MS, 3/4, MLS AND ES ) which all help to create a certain way that you see the shot.

the 180' rule which i will show you